Android junit report

quick start

For the impatient, here is an overview of how to integrate the runner with Ant builds. Note all modifications are made to your test project, i.e. the project which implements the JUnit tests:

Grab the jar from the downloads page and add it to your libs/ directory. Edit AndroidManifest.xml to set android:name in the tag to: Edit to add the line:

Run your tests as you would normally: $ ant debug install test

Pull the resulting XML report from the device (from the application under test's internal storage directory): $ adb pull /data/data//files/junit-report.xml

Integrate the XML with your chosen build tool. In practice you may want to tweak the report location, add the last pull step to your build, and more. For details, see the documentation page.


1、以DDMS格式查看项目:eclipse的Window-->Show Perspective-->DDMS

2、在右边的File Explorer目录下查看 data/data目录下相应的包和目录下哪个里面有junit-report.xml就用哪个

Joyce /
Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA in categories android  tagged with junit